
2013.05.29 BLOG


Seven Saturdays (セブン・サタデイズ) 3年ぶり待望のニューアルバムを 7/3 リリース!「夏の夜空に打ち上げられる星いっぱいの銀河花火。」壮大な宇宙空間へいざなう、うっとりするほどロマンチックでスペーシーな、2013年宇宙の旅。


Amanetril Studio Live Vol. 28 Live!
For the 28th edition, we welcome two members of "AOR Koukoukai", Kazuma Sotozono (Gt) and Ryo Ebihara (Per). This wil 2022/04/16 READ
YouTube project “Musicians talk about special effects and music” is now open!
A new YouTube project, "Musicians Talk about Special Effects and Music," is now available. In this project, Yujin, who 2022/04/16 READ
Musicians talk about “Special Effects and Music” – The First Ultraman – [Part 2] Open to the public!
The YouTube project "Musicians Talk about 'Special Effects and Music' - The First Ultraman" [Part 2] is now available. 2022/04/16 READ